“That it becomes so much easier to identify when somebody is the wrong person for you when you’re with them in a space that belongs to you wholly. They will not look entirely relaxed on your sofa. You will tidy up before they come over, even though it’s not that messy. They’ll put their drink on your new coffee table without a coaster and even though you and your mum and your friends do that all the time, you will think, I want you to leave.”

Felt this in my soulllllllll 💛

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Thanks so much for reading!!

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Spider, one of the hardest part. Thank you ❤️

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I love this sooooo much!!!! Thank you for writing it❤️

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Thank you SO much for reading, I’m so glad you enjoyed 💕

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Keep writing ✨ Glad to have found you here🥰

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Emphasis on the YouTube part!!! The amount of things I looked up that were so basic but I just didn’t know as I’d never lived on my own

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Yess! Honestly, YouTube has been my knight in shining armour more times than I’d care to count haha

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I loved this! The calculation of how long before your body is discovered is SO real. My biggest thing I've learned is how freeing it is to be able to walk around without pants on lol

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Hahaha thanks so much for reading. And honestly, same. My new favourite hobby is walking half-naked from the bathroom to my bedroom

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haha best feeling in the world!

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just found you and i loved this post!

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Oh my gosh thanks so much!!

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i loved reading this so much!! hard hard relate to the bits about spiders and about wondering how long it’d take people to realise if you fell and hurt yourself haha! especially loved “That even though the curtain pole you just put up is a bit off centre and you haven’t quite finished the details in the kitchen because everything is expensive, you will feel unspeakable pride looking around a room you decorated exactly how you wanted it. Bonus points if you took a risk. Bonus points if someone close to you couldn’t see the vision at first.” i’ve just moved into my first flat after being a student and decorating is so imperfect but i feel so proud of this little space i’ve created for myself. i love the idea that although it isn’t perfect, i made it. and who knew building furniture is kind of fun! i hope your new home is treating you well and that living alone is lovely <3

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Ahhh this is so so lovely I’m so glad it resonated with you. Thanks for reading! And SO happy for you with the flat!! It’s suchh a special time, you’re going to LOVE it 💕💕

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aah thank you so much!! wishing you all the best with yours!! <33

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this is incredible! i loved reading it <3

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Thank you SO much, that’s so kind!

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Thank you , I needed this!

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You have noooo idea how lovely it is to see comments like this! Thank YOU. Also if you ever want to chat about being in our Bridget Jones era, my messages are always open

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"That even though the curtain pole you just put up is a bit off centre and you haven’t quite finished the details in the kitchen because everything is expensive, you will feel unspeakable pride looking around a room you decorated exactly how you wanted it. Bonus points if you took a risk. Bonus points if someone close to you couldn’t see the vision at first."

I relate SO hard to this!! There's something so special about seeing a room coming together how you envisioned it, even if the shelves are not quite level.

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Ahhhh I’m so glad you felt this! In the past I’ve always moved into places that were fully furnished/already made homey by the flatmates so it was SUCH a joy to decorate for the first time (and also so much harder than I thought, hence the wonky curtain pole etc). Thank you for reading this 💕💕

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I love this !!!

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Ahh thank you so much!!

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